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Wasaga Beach

Your Premier Beach Destination

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Home to The Largest Freshwater Beach in the World! Image

Home to The Largest Freshwater Beach in the World!

Wasaga Beach is home to the World’s Largest Freshwater Beach and one of Ontario’s most unique coastal dune ecosystems.  More than 14 kilometers of white sandy coastline welcomes millions of visitors from around the world every year. Visitors can expect to enjoy the pristine natural landscape and panoramic views of Georgian Bay. Wasaga Beach is great for sun soaking, volleyball and swimming but is also home to unique hiking and biking trails which allow visitors to explore the inland beach area as well. Wasaga is home to incredible and endangered species reliant on the coastal dunes.



Beach 1 is where the beach begins. It is located at the mouth of the Nottawasaga River where Wasaga earned its name. The area has a rich indigenous history and had a significant role in the War of 1812. Today, Beach 1 offers a fresh selection of beach bars, restaurants and shopping. Other sections of the beach offer new experiences for families and are accessible. These beaches are just a stone’s throw from an excellent selection of accommodations, activities and dining options which cater to a wide range of preferences and all served with exceptional small town Ontario charm.  
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