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Service Training

Service Training

​Service Excellence Training

RTO7 has partnered with Typsy to provide stakeholders in BruceGreySimcoe with absolutely free online learning tailored to meet your business needs and objectives, as well as personal goals.  

To keep visitors coming back and reinvesting in our businesses, we need to differentiate our region from other regions of the province, and a key way to do that is for each and every one of us to work towards making the visitor experience outstanding. To reach this goal, we have invested in a training platform that is free to you, and focuses on customer service excellence.  Once registered, you will invest less than an hour of your time at home or at the office (any time of day), to complete the required Interacting With Guests course through Typsy (click the link below for more information and to register).

  • Typsy – Access over a thousand bite-sized (most less than 5 minutes) videos to learn just-in-time hospitality skills and management from industry experts through the Typsy online platform. 

Typsy Tourism Employee Incentive Program
And, to make learning a little sweeter, RTO7 has added the “Typsy Tourism Employee Incentive Program” where Typsy participants (individual and businesses) can earn rewards for completing courses. Check it out HERE

RTO7 Staff Typsy Picks of the Month
The RTO7 staff share their experiences and recommendations of the courses offered online in this monthly feature.

Typsy Testimonial from Steven Bowie, Tourism Barrie


To be eligible to take the training individuals must:

  1. Work in one of Bruce, Grey or Simcoe Counties
  2. Own or work for a “tourism business or organization” as defined below:
    • Tourism industry (i.e. the businesses or industries that sell products and services directly to tourists, e.g. accommodations, restaurants, recreation and attractions, travel agents, transportation and retail enterprises etc.)
    • Owner/Operator (private and non-private tourism businesses, attractions)
    • ‘First impressions’ individuals/organizations e.g. gas station attendant, convenience store clerk, or an organization that regularly services the visitors to our region
    • Tourism Organization
    • Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)
    • Business Improvement Association (BIA) or Chamber of Commerce
    • Municipal Tourism Office
    • Students 
    • Are you thinking of exploring a career shift? Start here.

Typsy Testimonial from Grace Murakami, Summer Student at Grey County Tourism


Typsy logo

As part of your professional learning and development, we’ve introduced a new e-learning platform known as ‘Typsy’ for you to use. We think you’ll love it!

You and your team can learn hospitality skills from industry experts and train online with Typsy. Watch bite-sized (most less than 5 minutes), fun videos to skill up, and make every hospitality moment count.

In addition, individuals and tourism businesses can participate in the Typsy Tourism Employee Incentivie Program, so you’re rewarded for all of your hard work!

You can watch a short video intro of Typsy here:

Start your Typsy journey by following these easy steps:

  1. Complete the intake form below, enter the number of staff you would like to access the e-learning platform and then submit.  Our team will set up your Team on Typsy and send you an activation code. 
  2. Once you receive the activation code, sign in to Typsy, and set up your account.    NOTE:  Please do not set up your own individual account on the site, as these are not linked to RTO7 and you will need to pay to access the system.
  3. You will have 30 days to complete as many courses as you like. RTO7 requires you complete, “Interacting with Guests”.  Once that is done, you’re welcome to browse through Typsy’s library and complete any lessons or courses that interest you and/or align with your business needs and objectives.
  4. Once you have signed up using your activation code, download the App! Videos can be watched on the Typsy app on most mobile devices as well as via browser on your computer. The app is free to download and can be used in many different languages by changing your settings.
  5. Enjoy using Typsy! We welcome any feedback that will help us enhance your learning experience.

Required Course – Interacting with Guests | 12 lessons in 50 minutes.  This course will introduce you to the fundamental practices of interacting with guests. Learn how to build rapport, pick up on guest cues, strengthen your non-verbal communication, and identify what to avoid when interacting with guests.  Make connections. Make differences. Start learning today!